75 Recent Words of Wisdom
1 . Although
however , your best friend is a person who has contributed wake of the
downturn , good times and hard to entertain you . Once he meant , where they have you can not see his face again .
2 . A mother never asked you to put the world in his hand , but said words
are smooth , well-mannered temperament , responsible behavior of a
child that is happiness for a mother .
3 . Sometimes a deep sense of disappointment caused by too high expectations of ourselves against something .
4 . Do not ever judge someone's ignorance , because fools are those who judge themselves most clever .
5 . If life make yourself cry , remember there are thousands of wonderful memories that make us smile .
6 . Night time is the right time to look back on the events of today and
the past , a great time hanging out with family , time to learn to be
wise and rest of saturation .
7 . When you 're happy , you enjoy his music , but when you 're sad that you impregnated is his poetry . Because the song is a word of the heart are reluctant to talk .
8 . Indeed , the pain is not something that makes a person weak . But to provide a force that drives a person off from adversity . Trust me .
9 . We are born with two eyes in front of our face , his deep we should not always look back . But behold all the future , look at our future .
10 . There were days where we have to pause , look back and be grateful .
11 . Every soul that is born has been embedded with seeds of life to achieve excellence . But the seeds will not grow if not dibajai with courage .
12 . Oh God ... enlighten our souls with your light , guide our steps to the clue and Keep us from the torment of the Fire. Aamiin .
13 . Prayer without effort and deeds are in vain . Be who you are wise .
14 . His usual arrogant people like to say that excessive and not wise , but it's all there on her .
15 . If
the person is still no sense of shame and fear to do good , then it is a
guarantee for the people will not find even one step of progress though
. - Soekarno
16 . When you do not live life with sincerity , then you will live it with full of flaws .
17 . Always be honest , because freedom belongs to those who are honest and wise . People who lie can not be free , because his lies trapped .
18 . Celebrate trouble . Because sometimes difficult mengantara us better results than what we imagine .
19 . Something that has not been done , often seems impossible , we just believe that we have managed to do well .
20 . Remember , when you decide to stop to try , at that instant you decided to fail .
21 . Life is not about getting what you want, but about appreciating what you have , and patiently waiting to be approached .
22 . A wise friend would not turn down another one of his dreams . But otherwise , he will help realize all his dreams were .
23 . The happiest people do not necessarily have the best things , they just make the best of everything that comes along the way .
24 . Do not keep continuously immersed in grief . Smile , smile to pick happiness , do not wait for the new happy smile .
25 . Harimaumu mouth . Words that come out of your mouth reflects the quality yourself .
26 . Nobody has the ability to do the tuk perfect , but each person is given a lot of opportunity on doing the right thing .
27 . Stop judging a person's past . Better to stand beside him , help him beautify his future .
28 . It's never too late overturned , any mistakes you 've made in the past , you could be someone new today .
29 . Faithful is courtesy possessed only by those who want a happy future .
30 . Although never hurt , never stopped loving , like a toddler just learning to walk , surely there will initially wound pain .
Words of Wisdom31 . Smile in any situation , without realizing that smile that will strengthen you .
32 . The past is gone , never to return again , the future has not happened
yet so we do not know what happened and eventually just chestnut expect
something , but now is the future , we must determine and make
decisions for ourselves .
33 . Behind the greatness of a man who women look great in tow . Women are the pillar of the country wisely .
34 . The question of life 's most important and urgent is : What have you done to your neighbor ?
35 . Happiness
often comes to us in the form of pain , loss , and disappointment , but
with patience , we will soon see its original form . Insha Allah .
36 . When you love a woman , it is like a rose like editing . Sometimes you could smell the roses , but sometimes you can feel the thorns of roses finger prick .
37 . Poetry is not an opinion expressed . He is a song that emerged from the wound bloodless and smiling mouth .
38 . Because the real happiness is not the result , he is present after seeks .
39 . Not all the crying means sorrow . Sometimes , tears are not capable of happiness expressed by word of mouth.
40 . When you're able to forgive and smile at the person who hurt you , that's when you make sure that you are better than him .
41 . The best way to punish those who do wrong to us is doing well and wisely always on her .
42 . It takes maturity to understand the thinking adults . And sometimes the problem is the way to make yourself grow mature and wiser .
43 . Not handsome did not matter , because he led not by good looks but with responsibility , wisdom and role models .
44 . What seems fascinating is only skin that will fade with age .
45 . Many roads lead to success , but remember too many roads to failure . To be sure of success is fixed variables we experience failure . Congratulations work !
46 . Today before you say the words that are not good , Think of someone who can not speak at all .
47 . Know before judging , because that looks beautiful is not always beautiful , and that looks bad is not always bad .
48 . Worried about what might happen just wasting your time . It will not change anything and your mind was erratic .
49 . If I had to choose a mother or a father , I would not choose both,
because they are not to be selected but to be proud of as they pride
myself weak .
50 . Greatness of one's heart , can be seen from her ability to forgive any mistakes of others.
Kata Kata Mutiara51 . Life is not just happy yourself, but share your happiness to those around us because it will increase happiness when shared .
52 . Do not envy the success of others , because you do not know what he has sacrificed to achieve that success .
53 . As
bad as my situation , I sejatuh - fall , tired - tired of my life , at
least I still have him , where I leaned back and complain . Wish my path always gets his rays .
54 . Adult is when we are able to be more wise and not emotional in the face of a problem .
55 . It does not matter how often you fall , the important thing is how fast you get up .
56 . At the time you make room in your heart for hatred , then you are actually giving fertilizer for mental suffering .
57 . Rather they are the strongest people always win , but those who stand tall when they fall .
58 . The achievement is easy , but maintaining it is difficult achievement .
59 . Do your best in an occasion . Because it's probably your last chance , that you could not get lost forever .
60 . Each job precedence with prayer , will be smooth .
61 . Menyabut nails embedded in wood is not enough , because the nail tancapan still leaves a hole . Forgiving is not enough if it does not fix the heart .
62 . Saying the words is easier than acting . Therefore , a wise person is one who is able to mebuktikkan expression .
63 . Good love can make you also have to be better than ever . If you love making your life worse , then do not be afraid to let go .
64 . There are two things that can not be separated from falsehood , ie too many promises and too hard for a reason .
65 . Your life will never feel the calmness and peace , if you nurture and nourish spiteful attitude .
66 . As long as we have a high awareness to continue to improve yourself , then for that we can appreciate ourselves .
67 . Whatever happens , do not let go of two major mine life , Hope and Faith .
68 . Drum sound start bertalu sign computation time is time advanced life without a sense of doubt hoping to be number one .
69 . Life is a series of circum rotation that always revolve around themselves .
70 . No need to be afraid to admit mistakes to myself , Look shortcomings
in themselves and yet the Creator and ourselves alone knows .
71 . So if you're honest to yourself , respect yourself it's as easy
bercermin.Lihatlah shortcomings in themselves and learn to improve
ourselves .
72 . Do not ask me when, but the magic will come over to the person who is always doing the best for themselves and others
73 . Have a high science , we must not forget the source of all sources Science . This is similar to our attitude towards our life choices .
74 . Pursuing a dream with relentless is the secret of success .
75 . Composition of success in our lives ( 75 % Trying to achieve 25 % + Pray earnestly result = 100 % success ) .
Words of Wisdom latest set above is a collection of motivational words that hopefully can inspire us to become more wise . And
a glossary of the above quotes from various Espilen Blog get reference
that presents a summary of the word motivation wise . Those are some wise words that we can say. May be useful .